Drawings Used in Construction of Buildings

This entry was posted in Civil Engineering Services on Thu Oct 8, 2015

Drawing or drafting a building plan is the first and the most important step in the construction of a building. There are numerous steps that need to be followed. First there needs to be a drawing, then that needs to be approved by the government authorities. Once that is done, the drawing is sent to the construction site where the workers start working on it. It is only after all these steps are completed, that a proper building is made. A little flaw in the drawing might jeopardize the entire thing and it might result in a catastrophe.

The common types of civil engineering drawings are:

  • Structural drawing
  • Architectural drawing
  • Electrical drawing
  • Plumbing and sanitary drawing
  • Finishing drawing

Structural drawing deals with the structure of a building as the name suggests. This drawing focuses on everything pertaining to the structure of the building such as the strength of the different parts, size and grade of reinforcement, etc. There are various other sub-parts that it consists of. It is important to opt for civil engineering services to get this done because only a professional will be able to ensure a flawless service.

The architectural drawing aims to provide a complete view of the building. It shows the location of the building. This drawing also shows where each and every part of the building should be. Hence, it plays a very important role in ensuring a flawless design. There are several other parts in this namely, the plan, the elevation, the section, etc.

Electrical drawings deal with the details of electrical wiring, sub-stations, fixtures, etc. The electrical drawing also includes the electrical load circulation.

The plumbing and sanitary drawing depicts the sanitary and water pipe locations in a building. It also shows the fixture and how each of those should be connected.

The finishing drawing is one of the most important drawings that deals with the finish or the final look of the building. The finishing drawing is sometimes included as a part of the structural drawing.

Get professional civil engineering drawings from reputed professionals. Visit https://www.tgvk.com.au/ to seek further information and to hire the best in the civil engineering services business.

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